MARPOL Annex VI requirement to fit or designate sampling points for taking representative samples of the fuel oil in use onboard ships entered into force on 1 April 2022, and the deadline for compliance depends on each ship’s schedule for renewing the first IAPP renewal survey carried out on or after 1 April 2023.
APPLICATION: Ships less than 400 GT or domestic ships may be not applicable at the discretion of the administration. Fuel oil supply systems for all new and existing ships including platforms and drilling rigs (includes all fuel oil supply systems for machinery such as main engines, auxiliary engines, boiler,incinerators, inert gas generators, emergency generators, etc., but excludes low-flash point fuel oil supply systems).
Fuel oil sampling points are required to be fitted or designated for the purpose of taking
representative samples of the fuel oil being used on board the ship, taking into account
Our office can undertake to prepare the relevant drawing with the Fuel Oil management plan.
Please contact us for more details