Dear client
According to the new rules that come into force on 01st January 2026 all ships must follow the regulations based on the MSC.107/WP.8 ANNEX 01 & ANNEX 15
- Lifting Appliances installed on or after January 2026 should be designed constructed and installed with the requirements of SOLAS II-1/3-13 or standard acceptable to the Flag.
- Lifting Appliances installed before January 2026 should be certified as compliant with SOLAS regulation II-1/3-13 2.4. Loaded Tested in order to check the structural integrity of the lifting appliances and Thorough examination annually in order to determine whether the lifting appliances or the Loose gear is in compliance with the requirement of the Administration.
All the above regulations apply to Deck Cranes, Store Cranes, Loose gear, etc, and does not apply to Lifesaving Appliances the flag will decide which of the above will not apply to SWL below 1.0 ton.
Where the safe working load of the lifting appliances is undocumented and design information is not available, e.g. for lifting appliances which are installed on board before 1 January 2026 and the manufacturer no longer exists, the test load should be calculated, based on a safe working load nominated by the company, to the satisfaction of the Administration.