Based on the latest IMO rules based on MEPC 78 (352) a annual CII calculation must be prepared in order to define the transport efficiency of vessel. Of course you can’t wait until last days to find out the CII value and then to proceed with corrections improvement.
Our office can provide to you monthly reports including all the necessary actions needed in order the ship to achieve the desirable Rating at the next travels and at the end of the year.
Only provide to us with the everyday Noon Reports of the vessel and can help you to forecast the CII rating of the ship every month in order to make pro-active operational improvements and design modification to maintain or improve their rating.
The monthly reports include the following:
a. Operational Data from the Noon Reports gathering in our table.
b. Project the CII Rating of the ship at the end of each month.
c. Forecasting operational information for Operation Department.
d. Simulate the CII for future voyages based on specific assumptions.
e. Simulating the Fuel Consumption to improve the Rating of the vessel.
f. Proposed improvements (Anchorage reduction percentage, increase DWT, Speed reduction percentage)